Luambe Camp

Luambe National Park offers a Luangwa Valley experience reminiscent of the early days in the valley – remote and wild! Luambe Camp is the only accommodation in the entire park, so the whole experience is extremely remote and private and you can be assured that you will have wildlife sightings all to yourself.

Luambe Camp

In the 1970’s, Luambe had the highest mammal biomass per square kilometre of any National Park in Zambia. In other words, there were more mammals (and large mammals at that) per square kilometre in Luambe than anywhere else in Zambia. We want to see that statistic come back again and the wildlife numbers of animals like elephant, buffalo, Cookson’s wildebeest and eland are clearly showing we are on track! There is something amazing about being the only camp in an entire National Park – it gives you so much freedom! Sleep out on the banks of the Luangwa – tick. Wake up with hot chocolate at 01.00am to night drive for aardvark – we are ready. It’s a completely unique experience and something we make a focus on at Luambe because seriously, where else do you get to have a National Park to yourself?

Property Facilities

Special Interest

Room Facilities