Where to See Cheetahs in Southern Africa: Best Spots in Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia

Photo by Mukambi Safaris

Cheetahs are classified by the IUCN as “vulnerable”, meaning they are at risk of extinction in the wild. With their future uncertain, the imperative to protect them is massive. Journey with us now as we highlight the best places to see cheetahs across Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe and with some luck, see them doing what they do better than anyone else – feed the need for speed.

Chundukwa River Lodge – Supporting Local Artisans

Chundukwa River Lodge celebrated its 30-year legacy in 2022 – a horse ranch outside of Livingstone, Zambia, where supporting local artisans includes the peaceful synchronicity of colour, design, community and nature has been at the heart of their story in Africa.